

Neuhoff, K., S. Wolter and S. Schwenen (2016): Power markets with renewables: New perspectives for the European Target Model. The Energy Journal, 37: 23-38.

Neuhoff, K., J. Diekmann, F. Kunz, S. Ruester, W.-P. Schill and S. Schwenen (2016): A coordinated strategic reserve to safeguard the European energy transition. Utilities Policy41: 252-63.

Ruester, S., S. Schwenen, I.-J. Perez-Arriaga and C. Batlle (2014): From distribution networks to smart distribution systems: Rethinking the regulation of European electricity DSOs. Utilities Policy, 31: 229-237.

Glachant, J.-M. and S. Ruester (2014): The EU Internal Electricity Market: Done forever? Utilities Policy, 30: 1-7.

Ruester, S., S. Schwenen, M. Finger and J.-M. Glachant (2014): A post-2020 EU energy technology policy: Revisiting the Strategic Energy Technology plan. Energy Policy, 66: 209-17.

Ruester, S., S. Schwenen, M. Finger and J.-M. Glachant (2014): A strategic energy technology policy towards 2050: No-regret strategies for European technology push. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 9(2): 160-74.

Olmos, L., S. Ruester, and S.J. Liong (2012): On the selection of financing instruments to push the development of new technologies: Application to clean energy technologies. Energy Policy, 43: 252-66.

Huppmann, D., R. Egging, F. Holz, C.v. Hirschhausen, S. Ruester, S.A. Gabriel (2011): The World Gas Market in 2030 – Development Scenarios Using the World Gas Model. Global Energy Issues, 35(1): 64-84.

Olmos, L., S. Ruester, S.J. Liong, and J.-M. Glachant (2011): Energy efficiency actions related to the rollout of smart meters for small consumers: Application to the Austrian system. Energy, 36(7): 4396-409.

Hirschhausen, C.v., C. Haftendorn, J. Herold, F. Holz, A. Neumann, and S. Ruester (2010): Europe’s Coal Supply Security: Obstacles to Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage. CEPS Policy Brief 223/November 2010.

Hirschhausen, C.v., F. Holz, A. Neumann, and S. Ruester (2010): Supply Security in Natural Gas. In: Security of Energy Supply in Europe – Natural Gas, Nuclear and Hydrogen. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ruester, S. (2010): Vertical Structures in the Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Empirical Analyses Based on Recent Developments in Transaction Cost Economics. Dissertation, Dresden University of Technology. Summary published in EDI Quarterly, 2(4): 5-6.

Ruester, S. and M. Zschille (2010): The Impact of Governance Structure on Firm Performance – An Application to the German Water Distribution Sector. Utilities Policy, 18(3): 154-62.

Ruester, S. (2009): Changing Contract Structures in the International LNG Markets – A First Empirical Analysis. Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 127(3): 89-112.

Ruester, S. and A. Neumann (2009): Linking Alternative Theories of the Firm – A First Empirical Application to the Liquefied Natural Gas Industry. Journal of Institutional Economics, 5(1): 47-64.

Ruester, S. and A. Neumann (2008): Next Year, Next Decade, Never? The Prospects of Liquefied Natural Gas Development in the US. Energy Policy, 36: 3150-8.

Hirschhausen, C.v., A. Neumann, and S. Ruester (2007): Wettbewerb im Ferntransport von Erdgas? Technisch-ökonomische Grundlagen und Anwendung auf Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 31(3): 183-93.


Project reports and working papers

Ruester, S. (2015): Financing LNG projects and the role of long-term sales-and-purchase agreements. DIW Berlin Discussion Paper 1441.

Neuhoff, K., S. Ruester and S. Schwenen (2015): Power market design beyond 2020: Time to revisit key elements? DIW Berlin Discussion Paper 1456.

Neumann, A., S. Ruester and C.v. Hirschhausen (2015): Long-term contracts in the natural gas industry – Literature survey and data on 426 contracts. DIW Berlin Data Documentation 77.

Ruester, S. und S. Schwenen (2014): Europäische Perspektive für Versorgungssicherheit auf Strommärkten notwendig. DIW Berlin Roundup 39/2014.

Neuhoff, K., F. Kunz, S. Rüster und S. Schwenen (2014): Koordinierte Strategische Reserve kann Stromversorgungssicherheit in Europa erhöhen. DIW Berlin Wochenbericht 30/2014.

Zachmann, G. and S. Ruester (2014): Gas transmission network regulation for Ukraine. German Advisory Group. Policy Paper PP/03/2014.

Sartor, O., T. Spencer, I. Bart, P. Julia, A. Gawlikowska-Fyk, K. Neuhoff, S. Ruester, A. Selei, A. Szpor, B. Toth and A. Tuerk (2014): The EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Framework and Energy Security. Climate Strategies Report.

Ruester, S., S. Schwenen, I. Pérez-Arriaga, C. Batlle, and J.-M. Glachant (2013): From distribution networks to smart distribution systems: Rethinking the regulation of European electricity DSO. THINK report. Related FSR Policy Brief.

Ruester, S., S. Schwenen, A. Lassource, M. Finger, and J.-M. Glachant (2013): An EU energy technology policy towards 2050: Which way to go? THINK report. Related FSR Policy Brief. Watch the video.

Ruester, S., X. He, E. Chong, J. Vasconcelos, and J.-M. Glachant (2012): Electricity storage: how to facilitate its deployment and operation in the EU. THINK report. Related FSR Policy Brief.

Ruester, S., C. Marcantonini, X. He, J. Egerer, C.v. Hirschhausen, and J.-M. Glachant (2012): EU involvement in electricity and natural gas transmission grid tarification. THINK report. Related FSR Policy Brief.

Olmos, L., P. Ranci, S. Ruester, M. Sartori, M.G. Pazienza, M. Galeotti, and J.-M. Glachant (2011): The impact of climate and energy policies on the public budget of EU Member States. THINK report. Related FSR Policy Brief.

Olmos, L., S. Ruester, S.J. Liong, and J.-M. Glachant (2010): Public Support for the Financing of RD&D Activities in New Clean Energy Technologies. THINK report. Related FSR Policy Brief.

Ruester, S. (2010): Trust as a Shift Parameter in the Extended Transaction Cost Framework – A first Application to the Liquefied Natural Gas Industry. EUI Working Paper, EUI RSCAS; 2010/18.

Ruester, S. (2010): Recent Dynamics in the Global Liquefied Natural Gas Industry. EE2 Working Paper.

Ruester, S. (2010): Recent Developments in Transaction Cost Economics. EE2 Working Paper.



From distribution networks to smart distribution systems: Rethinking the regulation of European electricity DSO. Presentation at the European Commission, DG ENERGY Lunch Seminar, Brussels, June 03, 2013; CEER/CRE/FSR Workshop on ‚Enhancing Retail Market Functioning‘, Brussels, June 26, 2013; CEDEC Workshop on Smart Grids, Brussels, November 05, 2013.

Options for a new EU energy technology policy towards 2050: What way to go. Presentation at DG ENERGY – THINK workshop, Brussels, November 14, 2012.

Any need for a particular EU policy for electricity storage? Presentation at the Florence School of Regulation Annual Brussels Conference, Brussels, November 13, 2012.

Does heterogeneity matter? EU involvement in electricity and gas transmission grid tarification. Presentation at the European Commission, DG ENERGY Lunch Seminar, Brussels, June 18, 2012 and at the 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Florence, 10-12 May, 2012.

EU involvement in natural gas transmission grid tarification. Presentation at the 21st Madrid Forum, Madrid, March 23, 2012.

Supporting clean energy R&D: Grants for all?. Presentation at Wilton Park Conference on ‚Prospects for the EU financial perspective in an age of austerity, Wilton Park, February 05, 2011; Loyola de Palacio Academic Roundtable, Florence, May 24, 2011; FSR Annual Conference, Florence, May 25, 2011; and 4th Smart Grids Forum, Florence, May 31, 2012.

European Energy Supply Security: Do we have to worry about natural gas supply security? Presentation at the Conference on European Energy Supply Security, Bruegel, Brussels, October 14, 2010.

The Impact of Governance Choice on Performance: An Application to the German Water Distribution Sector. Presentation at the 13th ISNIE Conference, Berkeley, California, June 18-20, 2009; as well as at the Séminaire Chair EPPP, Paris, May 21, 2010 (with M. Zschille).

Trust as a Shift Parameter in the Extended Transaction Cost Framework – A first Application to the Liquefied Natural Gas Industry. Presentation at the ESNIE 2009, Cargèse, May 18-22, 2009.

Changing Contract Structures in the International LNG Markets – A First Empirical Analysis. Presentation at the 31st IAEE International Conference, Istanbul, June 18-20, 2008; at the 7th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research, Berlin, October 10-11, 2008; the 5th Journée ESNIE, Paris, January 16-17, 2009; at the 13th ISNIE Conference, Berkeley, California, June 18-20, 2009; as well as the Gas PhD Day at FSR, June 28, 2010.

Global Competition for Natural Gas Supplies – A Focus on the Pacific Basin LNG Market. Presentation at a GRJM/EE² Seminar, Paris, February 22, 2007.

Corporate Strategies along the LNG Value Added Chain – An Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Vertical Integration. Presentation at 26th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 24-27, 2006.